Garment Care

As laundry professionals we often get questions from people on how to care for their garments. The most important advice that we give to them is to direct them to the garment care tag. These tags provide the percentage of each raw material that the item is made of, the printed garment care instructions, and the textile care symbols that allow a laundry professional to quickly determine how best to care for the item.

Garment manufacturers provide these tags because they recognize that the laundering process can damage garments if they aren’t properly cared for. Improper laundering can lead to bleeding of fabric dyes, color fading, pilling of fabrics, or shrinkage to name a few, all of which can tragically shorten the life of a garment.  At Laundry Reimagined we launder your items using our proprietary system.   We pay close attention to garment care tags and we use them every day in caring for your garments. We air dry the garments that call for it. We use only low heat for tumble dried items. These practices require more time for items to dry but they require much less energy and are much easier on the garment and the environment.  Our gentle treatment of your items results in better quality laundry and longer garment life.

When you consider how much money you have invested in your wardrobe it certainly makes good economic sense for you to protect your investment by caring for it properly.  Our proprietary process allows us to consistently produce very high-quality laundry and make it available to you at an affordable cost.  Our main objective is to enrich your life by allowing you more time to live it. Treat yourself to our service and you’ll have a happier time on this planet!

Help for Aging Seniors

As seniors live out their golden years many are looking for ways to live independently in their homes for as long as they possibly can.  At some point the task of doing the laundry, which was once easily performed, becomes too rigorous for them to engage in safely.  The National Council on Aging reports that every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in an emergency room for a fall.*    Seniors are particularly vulnerable to falls if they are living in a home in which the laundry appliances are not on the same floor as their bedroom.  This arrangement requires them to go up and down stairways with loads of laundry in their hands, at a time in their life when their reduced mobility increases the likelihood of a serious fall.

A serious fall can leave an older adult physically disabled and financially strained. Sometimes it is hard for our seniors to recognize that they need help when they have done their own laundry for so many years.  Some may see laundry service as an unnecessary expense. However, the personal and financial costs of a serious fall far exceed the cost of laundry service.

At Laundry Reimagined we are proud to serve our elderly clients who are living independently in their homes.  Our laundry service allows them to get their laundry done in a safe and cost-effective manner and help extend the time that they can live independently in their homes.

After doing laundry for all of their life, shouldn’t there be a time when seniors are able to retire from the task of doing laundry? We think it makes a lot of sense to get our seniors the help they need. We at Laundry Reimagined understand the needs of our seniors and are happy to provide the service they need to live out their golden years in style!


*The National Council on Aging

Why a Laundry Service Makes Sense

When you take a realistic look at the costs of doing your laundry at home, you can see why you may not be saving as much money as you think and that a laundry service can make a lot more sense. As an example, let’s look at a typical family of four where both parents are employed full time.  If  you were to summarize all of the costs associated with doing laundry for a family of four at home for an entire year, you will see that it adds up to a thousand dollars or more, depending on the lifestyle of the family.  On the surface a thousand dollars may seem like an exaggeration, but if you do a proper analysis and include all of the costs, such as the annualized cost of purchasing and maintaining your laundry appliances, the utilities and laundry supplies to run them for 12 months, and the cost of the space in your home, you will see that the numbers add up quickly.  In addition to these hard costs, it isn’t unusual for a typical family of four to have four to six hours a week involved in physically doing the home laundry.  That may not seem like a lot of time but at 5 hours per week someone in the household is spending over 250 hours per year keeping up with the laundry.  That’s the equivalent of over six 40-hour work weeks. That is a great deal of time that you spend at a job you can only save so much at and never be promoted.

Now let’s take a look at household income. As an example, the average household income in the typical Cincinnati suburbs of West Chester and Liberty Township is projected to be about $125,000 in 2020.   At that pay rate an average earner in a two-income household would earn a little over $7,200 for that same six weeks at their full-time job.  Our laundry service would cost a family of four somewhere around $100 a week, or let’s just say about $5,000 for a full year. That cost, less the thousand dollars or so it costs to do your laundry at home, leaves you with only $4000 that you can actually save by doing your laundry at home. At a savings of $4000 annually for six weeks of work you will earn an effective pay rate of only a little more than half of what you would earn at your day job.

With all of this in mind, does it really make sense for you to work the six additional weeks in your off hours during the year and spend the additional thousand dollars to get the laundry done at home? Why would you give up six weeks of your hard-earned free time to work at nearly half of your normal pay rate? Especially after working your full time job all week?  Or looking at it another way, would you give up about 3-4% of your annual household earnings for six more weeks of quality time with your kids, with your spouse, building your career, or just living a better life, whatever that means to you, having the ability to invest that time in something with a more meaningful return to you every year moving forward? Your time and your family time on this earth is finite and valuable. Rethink your laundry. It will provide a better life for you and those around you.


An Epiphany

About 10 years ago, on my morning drive into work, I had an epiphany that forever changed the way I think about laundry.  At the time I was an engineer with a major industrial uniform/laundry company and on this particular morning I happened to be inspired by the millions of pounds of laundry the company washed each day. That led to another thought that, even though the number was very large, it paled in comparison to how many pounds of laundry are done in people’s homes each day.

There are currently over 325 million people in the U.S.  Some of us generate more laundry than others but a typical person generates somewhere around 2 lbs. per day.  At that rate, it’s safe to say that, on any given day in the United States, over a half of billion pounds of laundry are done. That is truly a LOT of laundry.

So after being more impressed by that even larger number, I took my musings a step further and wondered  “How many people do I know who actually LIKE to do laundry?”  I then counted on one hand the number of people who I knew that actually enjoyed doing laundry.  Guessing that of the 100 million people or so in this country who actually do the laundry in their household, I think it’s safe to say that at least 90 million of them don’t like doing laundry at all.

So what does all of this mean? Well, it means that collectively people are spending a huge number of hours each week on a task that they would prefer not to have to do. Think of what these people could be doing if they didn’t have to spend that time each week doing their laundry. What if there was an affordable option to have their laundry professionally done?

Well, think about it. If you had several hours per week to work on something other than laundry, what could and would you do with it? Four or five hours doesn’t seem like much but when you consider gaining that much free time each week it adds up in a hurry.

Four hours per week is over 200 hours per year. That’s collectively more than five 40-hour work weeks each year. What could you do with that kind of time? You could spend it accomplishing those things in life that you want to do, but never really seem to be able to find the time for. You could improve your quality of life and help make this world a better place. You could:

  1. Spend more quality time with your kids (or grandkids)
  2. Spend some quality time alone with your significant other
  3. Be creative – Practice your piano, paint a landscape, write a short story
  4. Volunteer at your local church or charity or social cause
  5. Help out a neighbor in need

The possibilities are endless but I think you get the point. There are many ways you could improve your life while making the world a better place. With all those people who don’t enjoy doing laundry, imagine if we were able to free up all of those hours for all of those people and allow them that time to improve their lives while improving their world. Think of the impact it would make today on the world we’re leaving to our kids. What’s more important than that?

The Benefits of a Private Laundry

Laundry Reimagined is a service which is open to the public. However, we operate a private laundry solely for the purpose of servicing our customers. We don’t think you should have to worry about your items being contaminated by items of another household. Our service is designed to maintain strict controls over what is laundered in our machines.  We launder only those items from one household together. Our promise to you is that none of the items from your household will ever be laundered with the items of another household.

Prior to washing, we inspect every item and sanitize any items we find in need. We maintain hygienic conditions throughout our process to assure that you receive your items back hygienically clean every time. Our washers and our other working surfaces are sanitized regularly.  Our process is designed to minimize the possibility of cross-contamination between households.  We at Laundry Reimagined take this responsibility seriously.

We do not run our business as a side venture to a public laundromat. Our sole reason for existence is to provide a high quality delivered laundry service to our customers.  We think you’ll appreciate the difference.

We would like to hear any thoughts you have on why these differences are important to you.


Two Ears and One Mouth

I have an old friend who has spent has spent over 40 years of his life in the sales of various products.  I was looking for advice on how to best to launch our service so I asked him one day “What is the key to making a sale?”.

Without even a hint of hesitation he replied, “John, you just have to stop talking and listen. That’s why our creator gave us two ears and only one mouth.”  In the ensuing days I gave that idea a bit more thought and I realized how simple and effective that advice really is.

In keeping with that advice we have developed this section of the blog which we’ve entitled About You.  Our idea here to establish a forum in which our customers can provide their thoughts on our philosophy and service offerings, and we will take the opportunity to listen.  We’ll start conversations by posting articles from time to time and we encourage our customers and readers to provide their honest and open feedback to those articles. We also encourage our readers to submit their own articles for posting by emailing them to me at:  We are all ears!

We at Laundry Reimagined are never content with the status quo. We believe there is always room for improvement, in anything we do.  We value open and honest feedback.  Nobody has all of the answers, but we believe that when open and interested minds gather to discuss an issue, there is always the potential for meaningful progress.

We are constantly looking for ways to improve your customer experience. Please don’t hesitate to give us your thoughts on how.  Thanks for visiting our blog!

John Eckstein, Principal, Laundry Reimagined